Mobile Hair
Sarah Louise
Privacy Policy
The Data Protection act 2018 is the UK's implementation of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) "Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise" is responsible for using personal data by following strict rules called 'Data Protection Principles'. All information which will be necessary. It is always accurate, kept up to date and for no longer than it was indented for.
I will collect information about you when you have contacted "Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise" about hairdressing services, workshops, courses, making an appointment, entering a competition - whether this is via phone, email or on paper and via my online booking calendar.
The information that you may provide may include your name, home and/or business address, email address, phone number, date of birth and any medical history in relation for a chemical service being carried out.
The information which is collected is required for me to locate your home in order for me to carry out hair services. It will be used so I can contact you in regards to your hair appointments. Any details taken for next of kin in the event of an emergency. All messages are sent to you in relation to any upcoming hair appointments where a reminder will be sent. I collect date of birth information for marketing reasons so I am able tp provide any promotions or birthday offers that "Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise" may have. All of this information will be used by; Sarah Louise Taylor of "Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise" and Bryony Finaly "P.A" to Sarah Louise Taylor.
Your personal information which you have given will be used so that I am able to deliver your service or services which you have booked. The information you have given to "Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise" will not be shared with any third party without your content. Unless it is required to do so by law or to prevent fraud.
If you have consented to receive any marketing materials, you are able to opt out at any time. All data which I have collected will be used in a mixture of co sent contract from my appointment booking. It will be always used in a lawful basis. You have the right to stop any marketing services. If you know longer wish to be contacted, please contact:
Sarah Louise on 07772718270 or email:
If you decide you know longer wish to be a client of "Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise" then all information will be removed within 7 days, with a 12 month period between hair appointments or by request. Your coloured record card will be kept for a minimum of 7 years from the last date of when your service was.
The information which you give me will be stored on my laptop, on my mobile phone and online. All paper information is locked away. It is kept securely in locked filling box and the rest using passwords. Access to your personal information, correction and removal. You have the right to request a copy of any personal information that "Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise" has about you. I would like to make sure that all information that you give me is always kept up to date and is always correct. You may contact me any time to update these details or remove any information which may be incorrect. You will always have the right to request any information "Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise" has about you to be removed. Due to medical reasons all chemical records will be kept for 7 years from the date of your last service.
What information will I collect from you?
How will your information be used?
How long your information will be kept for?
Where your information will be kept?
All information is held by
Sarah Louise Taylor business owner of
"Mobile Hair By Sarah Louise"
Please contact me with any queries you may have.
How to make a complaint from miss use of personal Data.
Information Commissioners Office (ICO)
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Phone Number: 0303 123 1113